I started this blog way back in May of 2009, which is officially a Long Time Ago now. I was still in secondary school and every single one of my friends called me Pedro, which is a story for another time. I'm nineteen now, and I'm studying Philosophy at Essex University. I've come a long, long way since 2009, and I think that my writing has too. (Though perhaps neither has matured quite as much as one would have hoped).
I don't really know what I want to do with my life. Well, besides surrounding myself with fantastic people and cheap beer, which I've been pretty damn good at so far. (You folks know who you are, and thank you very, very much!) Philosophy is a passion of mine, just as poetry is. Perhaps neither are gonna make me a fortune, but that's okay. (And Philosophy has a whole bunch of transferable skills, y'know).
My original aim with this blog was to keep posting at least one poem on here every month, but I've since failed that, unfortunately. With myself being busier than ever, and with ever more to contend with, I guess that was a little bit inevitable. Still, I'll update it when I can, and I hope that you guys can take something positive away from it.
I'm always super pleased to hear from readers, and I'll gladly welcome any constructive criticism, too. I only ask that you get permission before reproducing any works on here, some place else.
Hope you're all having a cracking day, wherever you are.